26 Nov 2021

tale to tell - a poem

tale to tell 

'the fall of icarus'

i don't wanna live in these 
absurd colonies, 
let me out
i'm a free soul,
endangered by these materialistic
cruel crowds.

given the will of nature
it isn’t my tale to tell
standing by harsh stones
where possibly lucifer fell

god gave me the light
that drove me to the sky 
rolling with the winds 
observing the mighty icarus’ flight

there goes the cult leader
in the tempting woods
digging on innocent hearts 
buried with no foods 

seeking some enlightenment 
where you’ll go, I may sell
your soul isn’t as pure 
but it isn’t my tale to tell 

(self composed)

5 Nov 2021

Mystery of True Happiness


Blue sky, white pigeons, green grass. Is that it? Oh lord where do I even start! Its so much more. More than enough; enough for every living species on this planet to absorb it. But some don't like sharing theirs, call them selfish or joy-deprived. They have a contraction in the emotion of oh-so-heavenly joy.

Why be blue oh blossom tree, when there are tons of seasons to bloom in. The divine beauty kept concealed within god's creation is vastly mesmerizing no doubt but we fail to acknowledge the beauty created by the almighty within ourselves! No other species is capable of thinking such far ahead, have developed features. The privileges of being a human on earth are innumerable, especially those who use them for the good. The goodness in their hearts is unseeingly attractive, you'd want to know how they tend to bring out such. It comes from fading greed and freeing from the shackles of wants of this materialistic world. 

The flow of universe keeps us alive. The flow of emotions gives us life. The flow of unconditional love keeps us together as one! 

This world sure does demand a lot unless you are blessed with karmic goodness. Where there is a cycle of growth to be maintained and constant urge to prove oneself to others, what rotten fruit would demand to grow again on such challenging grounds.

True happiness or success isn't just acquiring rights to a big marketing company or attaining a role in a massive production house movie. Maybe it means something deeper and that could be above mental  acknowledgement or belief. More than mere devotion, more than seeking the meaning of life. Even though its just a mere emotion but its roots may leave a mark deep down in history or among cosmic bodies.


Thinking of such possibility is very much a route to bigger thought, not that its an exaggeration but perhaps other celestials think so too! Who knows, happiness may come in shape, feelings, or nature. All around creation. 

17 Aug 2021

How the internet raised me and ruined me

Internet: the thing that raised me to what I am today.

Sadly, I never really got to experience the joy of life without internet. I was that one kid in middle school who grew up on the internet. Watching DIYs was enough for my imagination, reading e-books was worth the experience of collecting the words and visualizing the story, playing games online was better than going out and playing with the local kids in the blazing hot days of summer. But I never actually got to experience the joy of life. It was me being stuck to the web 24/7 thinking it is all that matters and nothing beyond this is better. Guess I was wrong all along; it was useful and I was happy but that happiness was only temporary and lasted for a short period of time. 

The world of web was only half-true. It only raised my expectations and nothing more. A manipulative friend it was; at first it lead me to the door of doom telling me, 'Everything is way better than in reality, you get the full exposure around the globe with just one little click', then slowly chaining me to the supposed 'reality' furthermore ruining my social life. 

Why am I an introvert today? It's because I never really worked on my social skills, even though I found comfort in being by myself it still made me fear the reality and get away from it. I didn't go to social gatherings much and even if I did, I stuck to my very dear manipulative best friend- The Internet.

It wasn't really an antagonist at first or is. It's just that it tries to be a very handy application in terms of education, travel and communication but if you have a closer look, it has a dark side to it as well. 
There are multiple videos and websites which are harmful for this generation, insinuating violence etc.

Hiding behind the screen doesn't solve problems, instead it leads to more. Losing contact with your family and friends is one of the examples. In fact studies show that, people who are spending too much time online are more likely to develop social anxiety, depression, low self-confidence etc. 
It is anonymously behind mental health problems! So it is better to join your family and friends, go out for morning walks, take break amidst work/study sessions, play outdoors, and pick up a hobby to get out of this toxic cycle of being stuck and trapped to your phone. 

Although it has proved itself to be useful in many different ways which we can't deny either like Online booking and orders, E-commerce, Education, Entertainment, and Communication without having to travel to the post office to deliver a letter! 

And lastly I'd like to quote something..

"Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master" 
 -Christian Louis Lange