11 Aug 2021

Ideal Beauty: Toxic beauty standards in the society

'Did you see how fat she was?'

'His eyebrows are so thick'

'Body hair is disgusting!'

Words can hurt. Its the one who talks, they have been raised that way, been compared that way, called ugly that way. Therefore they decided to change themselves completely. Grew up in insecurity of the things they were constantly being mocked for like body or facial features. 

They grew up listening to those icy-cold words. Being teased for looking that way. Its what the world has come to; judging others thoroughly, either for their actions or for something they can't control. 'Society became a victim of toxic beauty standards' is what I'd call it.

Not only in the present date but in the past too! Beauty standards changed drastically as compared to then. People were appreciated for being healthy and for having to put on weight, as it was said back then that people who were 'healthy' were more likely to have feasts and chomp on good food every single day. Whereas those who were skinny were called ugly and poor for not being as healthy as in comparing their conditions to the 'rich and noble' ones.

If we compare all of those old supposed morals to today's date, it's the complete opposite. People are being judged and frowned upon for putting up weight and skinny people with flat stomachs being appreciated for being healthy and 'beautiful'. 

Body-image factors lead to health related issues such as eating disorders. And many people constantly shame themselves for either being too fat or too skinny just to match the society's ideal imagery of a perfect healthy human body. Its not possible to attain the 'perfect body' as everyone has varying diets and differing lifestyles nor should the concept of having perfect bodies be idolized or the world could be in ruins. People may suffer anxiety and depression from body-image related issues which can leave them into the misery of believing that they're not beautiful.

If you see the constant change in these accepted standards, everyone should know that these put up standards can be changed every year or decade possibly century therefore changing your body permanently will leave a forever remaining mark of doing that due to your insecurities. It's not about hitting the benchmark of beauty standards situation, its all about changing your thinking about these toxic morals. A change in mindset will lead to a change in the society. Loving yourself is very important and instead of having to put up with constant pressures of being skinny and tall and having those plump model like features its better to tell yourself that you are immensely proud of your personality and that is what that makes you gorgeous. 

Bring that positivity in you and see everything change in a split second.