17 Aug 2021

How the internet raised me and ruined me

Internet: the thing that raised me to what I am today.

Sadly, I never really got to experience the joy of life without internet. I was that one kid in middle school who grew up on the internet. Watching DIYs was enough for my imagination, reading e-books was worth the experience of collecting the words and visualizing the story, playing games online was better than going out and playing with the local kids in the blazing hot days of summer. But I never actually got to experience the joy of life. It was me being stuck to the web 24/7 thinking it is all that matters and nothing beyond this is better. Guess I was wrong all along; it was useful and I was happy but that happiness was only temporary and lasted for a short period of time. 

The world of web was only half-true. It only raised my expectations and nothing more. A manipulative friend it was; at first it lead me to the door of doom telling me, 'Everything is way better than in reality, you get the full exposure around the globe with just one little click', then slowly chaining me to the supposed 'reality' furthermore ruining my social life. 

Why am I an introvert today? It's because I never really worked on my social skills, even though I found comfort in being by myself it still made me fear the reality and get away from it. I didn't go to social gatherings much and even if I did, I stuck to my very dear manipulative best friend- The Internet.

It wasn't really an antagonist at first or is. It's just that it tries to be a very handy application in terms of education, travel and communication but if you have a closer look, it has a dark side to it as well. 
There are multiple videos and websites which are harmful for this generation, insinuating violence etc.

Hiding behind the screen doesn't solve problems, instead it leads to more. Losing contact with your family and friends is one of the examples. In fact studies show that, people who are spending too much time online are more likely to develop social anxiety, depression, low self-confidence etc. 
It is anonymously behind mental health problems! So it is better to join your family and friends, go out for morning walks, take break amidst work/study sessions, play outdoors, and pick up a hobby to get out of this toxic cycle of being stuck and trapped to your phone. 

Although it has proved itself to be useful in many different ways which we can't deny either like Online booking and orders, E-commerce, Education, Entertainment, and Communication without having to travel to the post office to deliver a letter! 

And lastly I'd like to quote something..

"Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master" 
 -Christian Louis Lange

11 Aug 2021

Ideal Beauty: Toxic beauty standards in the society

'Did you see how fat she was?'

'His eyebrows are so thick'

'Body hair is disgusting!'

Words can hurt. Its the one who talks, they have been raised that way, been compared that way, called ugly that way. Therefore they decided to change themselves completely. Grew up in insecurity of the things they were constantly being mocked for like body or facial features. 

They grew up listening to those icy-cold words. Being teased for looking that way. Its what the world has come to; judging others thoroughly, either for their actions or for something they can't control. 'Society became a victim of toxic beauty standards' is what I'd call it.

Not only in the present date but in the past too! Beauty standards changed drastically as compared to then. People were appreciated for being healthy and for having to put on weight, as it was said back then that people who were 'healthy' were more likely to have feasts and chomp on good food every single day. Whereas those who were skinny were called ugly and poor for not being as healthy as in comparing their conditions to the 'rich and noble' ones.

If we compare all of those old supposed morals to today's date, it's the complete opposite. People are being judged and frowned upon for putting up weight and skinny people with flat stomachs being appreciated for being healthy and 'beautiful'. 

Body-image factors lead to health related issues such as eating disorders. And many people constantly shame themselves for either being too fat or too skinny just to match the society's ideal imagery of a perfect healthy human body. Its not possible to attain the 'perfect body' as everyone has varying diets and differing lifestyles nor should the concept of having perfect bodies be idolized or the world could be in ruins. People may suffer anxiety and depression from body-image related issues which can leave them into the misery of believing that they're not beautiful.

If you see the constant change in these accepted standards, everyone should know that these put up standards can be changed every year or decade possibly century therefore changing your body permanently will leave a forever remaining mark of doing that due to your insecurities. It's not about hitting the benchmark of beauty standards situation, its all about changing your thinking about these toxic morals. A change in mindset will lead to a change in the society. Loving yourself is very important and instead of having to put up with constant pressures of being skinny and tall and having those plump model like features its better to tell yourself that you are immensely proud of your personality and that is what that makes you gorgeous. 

Bring that positivity in you and see everything change in a split second. 

9 Aug 2021

To the person fighting it.



Have you ever felt like drowning in the depths of shallow waters whenever someone or a situation forces you to step out of your comfort zone? Or ever just have this feeling of staying home in the corner of your room and bury your head into the wall? If yes, please don't neglect it.

'Anxiety' people use this word commonly these days as it's more probable to occur in today's generation due to a variety of reasons. It shouldn't be normalized though, it's not like a mental disorder to be ashamed of or to hide it as if people will make fun of it. No, none of that. It is something that can be cured easily if only you have the right support and willpower to fight it. For once think of something you want to become. No.. don't imagine another person but think of yourself in that person's place. 

Close your eyes and imagine a sad person. What do you see? A lonely figure, in a gloomy mood, eyes all swollen from the crying and bad state, dark bags under their eyes. As though never heard of sleeping in years, talking to you as ever so slowly that even you can't make up the words that they are trying to say. But now instead imagine a very happy person standing in front of you; jumping around, a big smile on their face, squinted eyes from all the joy, and talking to you ever so fast that they can't catch breathe. 

That happy person can be you. There is hope. There is joy in life. It isn't always that gloomy. Try to take chances of moving ahead and help yourself make a change, I promise you that your life will change drastically. If it isn't changing, find a person who can help you make a change, make you happy for who you are and what you want to be. 

Eat good, have a good nourishment. Exercise and workout. Paint all the joys of life that you can see or imagine. Everything will be put into place when time will come. For now stand up and look at the strong and brave person in front of the mirror who chose to fight it instead of running away from it. 

There are instances in our lives which break us apart or at least try to, our brain can't handle that but our heart can. Our heart is very strong. It deals with a lot and still beats till the end of time. It never chooses to run away or let itself lose in order to make you work. In order to make you see and live. Don't let those people say that crying is a bad thing. It is very healthy to cry. To be able to express yourself. To be able to let all that negativity out. Crying is the most powerful inner voice one can hear.

If you give up. You give your happiness up. But if you continue, you give life a chance to make you happy.

6 Aug 2021

Wallflower: The beginning

 Hiya people of the outside world! 

I am the local 'wallflower', that maybe you haven't seen walking around much across the street, partying around wild kids, pulling pranks at school and definitely not posting fancy-filtered pictures on social media. In other words.. I am anonymous. Not really but just in case you don't find my identity Sherlock Holmes!

Yup, I am very awkward either it's real life or online. Being the hidden soul hasn't been exactly fun (If I were to put it that way lol) but I enjoy being by myself most of the time. Stepping out of 'my comfort zone' hasn't really been my thing honestly. And you may be thinking-- 'Yo! that's pretty lame' 

No, it's not really.. I am at peace being with myself.

Considering this is my first post, I wish to introduce myself (not much in detail for sure).

I am a student and that's pretty obvious taking in account of the fact that I write in a very casual way and not like some 100 million book selling author and stuff. Personally I prefer to be a stay at home individual who likes reading fan-fics, listening to music, watching popular web series/tv shows, watching youtube videos etc. Not pretty cool huh? In fact I have this thing of imagining myself in an alternate world full of my fav fictional characters. I have a small circle of friends. I am a huge Potterhead (internal screaming intensifies), and we'll save that for another time ofc! Talking to strangers really gets on my nerves unless I know that person very well. 

Okay then that is probably it. This was a mere intro.. Picture toh abhi baaki hai mere dost! (Google translation: The movie is still left my friend) lol. 

K then later folks!